After this project, I feel that I have a better understanding of the obstacles that cities and towns face when attempting to market itself. About ten years ago everyone needed a website, now it all revolves around being visible on social media outlets. For many organizations the constant changes in technology can often be intimidating, over whelming, and not cost effective. In many cases the old saying of “If you build it, they will come” does not always work. In these tougher economic conditions, you have to find a way to do more with less. I have learned so much about Hillsboro, and how it’s truly a special place. Utilizing the internet provided me the opportunity to look at Hillsboro, and then compare it to cities similar in size to identify its strengths and weaknesses versus cities that would be viewed as competition. Since there is not a “one size fits all” solution this assessment, I felt that was a way to provide answers to some of the questions of how did the town of …….create a new town center; it’s completely visible online.
I feel that the blog provides the opportunity for an ongoing conversation without the expensive cost to maintain a website or with the creation of a position to do so. The blog if continued will give the community and the organizer a way to share ideas continuously without organizing a large community event or function.
The city is well positioned at the center of it all. Just an hour from the Metroplex, and 2-3 hours from everywhere else (Houston, Austin, San Antonio, etc), the city is a true gem that has the potential to serve as the gateway to anywhere for any business or person that chooses to relocate there. Hillsboro has the rare mix of being easily accessible, cost effective, friendly, and at the center of it all.